Friday, April 25, 2008

The Simple Support of Supporters

Its amazing how the simple smiles and "how you doing" make a world of difference. Lately I have just been struggling with the so called "simple" life of being a Mom. And I am not quite sure that word even sums up all that it entails. I feel overwhelmed and exhausted. I haven't slept thru the night in almost 2 years now and I really miss sleeping. The word Mother or Mom just doesn't cover it. I feel like I feel so many roles of cook, maid, counselor, nurse, financial supporter, inspector, bug killer, wife, dog's best friend, listner, teacher, neat freak, wash woman, toilet scrubber, fixer-upper. . . . . .I feel like I am rambling. I guess what I am looking for or striving for is peace in life. I am striving for normallacy. . . . And I have been told by others my life just isn't. Is my life so filled with trials and stressors that I am missing normallacy? I guess I am working toward making my life my normallacy. I just want others out there to know I appreciate the "atta girls." I am still trying to find photos on my computer. Any takers on helping with the task? Anyway, THANKYOU to ALL! Keep smiling and continuing to be kind.


marcie said...

Girl, what the heck were you doing up at 2:01 am!?! {As if I didn't know, that's where your 2 yrs fits into the picture} I think you're doing great. Where would we be if we didn't have permanant white puke stains on our shirts and our ears weren't being talked off by curious kids? Now THAT wouldn't be normal. Normal is relative and you're the most normal relative I have :) Love ya! Marc

marcie said...

BTW, you can change the link on your blog to

Adrianne said...

I just finished reading "I am a Mother" by Jane Clayson Johnson. It was full of wonderful quotes- and really if I got anything out of it- it was to live in the moment. If you would rather go to bed then blog or be frustrated by the computer than don't let one more thing stress you out! And don't worry- it just keeps getting better!

The Pond's Lily Pad said...

As a full-time mother of 5 and a full-time RN, I am STILL striving to achieve normalcy in a very chaotic life. What I have learned to question is...what IS NORMALCY? Is it a word that someone made up to make mothers like us feel even less adequate than we already make ourselves feel? Over the years I have come to learn that normalcy is what you make it. It is normal for my house to be cluttered at all times; and why is it cluttered? I am not sitting around eating bon bons, that's for sure. It's because I am raising my children, feeding them, clothing them, reading to them, playing with them, talking to them everyday. That is normalcy in my home. Just remember that there is a time and a season for everything; and right now is your time to be the great mother that you are and be with your children. You will sleep once again, I promise. And if your house is cluttered or there are dishes in the sink, so what? Your kids will never remember that, they will only remember how you played with them each morning and spent time with them everyday. Keep going; you're a super mom, and DON'T sweat the small stuff!!