Friday, September 18, 2009

Harvest Time '09

We started with just a few seeds and a few small plants. . . .

After many days of water. . . sunshine. . . weeding. . . more weeding . . . & TLC.
We, as a family, created something MAGICAL....


We picked our first big batch . . .
and then we picked 1 week later and got these. . .
(You didn't know that you could grow 3 adorable children in 4 months time.)

Have you ever wondered what 47 pints, 14 quarts, and 20 1/2 pints of
Hot salsa,

Mild salsa,
Spaghetti Sauce (in the freezer),
Tomatillo Salsa,

and Strawberry Jam
Look like?
Well, there you have it:

23 pints of Zesty Hot Salsa
5 pints of Tomatillo Salsa
20 1/2 pints & 7 pints of Strawberry Jam
12 pints & 7 qts of Roma Mild Salsa
7 qts Spaghetti Sauce

74 jars in total!

Oh, but there are still more tomatoes, cucumbers (regular & armainion), jalapenos, Anaheim peppers, bell peppers, and carrots coming off.

Thank you dear Lord for blessing our family with these many experiences of growing, nurturing, and harvesting a garden.

And if any one is interested or in need please let me know.


The Kleins said...

Wow! That is a serious harvest. I can't even compare in the least.

adamanderinclark said...

That is amazing. Where do you, of all people, find the time? That first pic, is it a cucumber? Our neighbors gave is a cuke that looked alot like that.

Melissa said...

Wow! Your Garden is amazing!! Jeff and I have decided that next year will be the year we finally get our garden in....I think I may have to call you for some pointers! That is just awesome!! :)

Kirkham Squad said...

fantastic work. i'm with erin, where do you find the time? don't mind my poor capitalization, i do all my blog/facebook stuff when nursing this little haus that eats all the time . . . . an lovn it

Lizz said...

i keep checkin' back to see what you've been up must be pretty busy!